宗教と家族に関する研究のメタアナリシス(Mahoney et al. 2001)



  • Mahoney A, Pargament KI, Tarakeshwar N, Swank AB. Religion in the home in the 1980s and 1990s: a meta-analytic review and conceptual analysis of links between religion, marriage, and parenting. J Fam Psychol. 2001 Dec;15(4):559-96. doi: 10.1037//0893-3200.15.4.559. PMID: 11770466.


 私が特に面白く感じるのは、保守的プロテスタント体罰の関連に関する研究が大きな議論の一つになっている点である。かなり前のことではあるが、アメリカの宗教社会学に接した時に、アメリカでは宗教と体罰に関する社会学的研究が少なくないと感じたことがある。たとえば、下記のBartkowski and Ellison (1995)、 Capps (1992)、 Ellison (1996)、Ellison et al. (1996a、1996b)、 Ellison and Bradshaw (2009)、 Ellison et al. (2011) 、Ellison and Sherkat (1993)といった研究である。その多くは保守的プロテスタントの教派や価値観が、体罰を行うことや体罰への支持にどう関連しているのかを分析している。
  • Bartkowski, John P. and Christopher G. Ellison (1995) "Divergent Models of Childrearing in Popular Manuals: Conservative Protestants vs. the Mainstream Experts," Sociology of Religion 56(1): 21-34.
  • Capps, Donald (1992) "Religion and Child Abuse: Perfect Together," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31(1): 1-14.
  • Ellison, Christopher G. (1996) "Conservative Protestantism and the Corporal Punishment of Children: Clarifying the Issues," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 25(1): 1-16.
  • Ellison, Christopher G, John P. Bartkowski and Michelle L. Segal (1996a) "Conservative Protestantism and the Parental Use of Corporarl Punishment," Social Forces 74(3): 1003-1028.
  • Ellison, Christopher G, John P. Bartkowski and Michelle L. Segal (1996b) "Do Conservative Protestant Parents Spank More Often ?: Further Evidence from the National Survey of Families and Household," Social Science Quarterly 77(3): 663-673.
  • Ellison, Christopher G. and Matt Bradshaw (2009) "Religious Beliefs, Sociopolitical Ideology, and Attitudes Toward Corporal Punishment," Journal of Family Issues 30(3):320-340.
  • Ellison, Christopher G., Marc A. Musick and George W. Holden (2011) "Does Conservative Protestantism Moderate the Association Between Corporal Punishment and Child Outcomes ? " Journal of Marriage and Family 73(5): 946-961.
  • Ellison, Christophar G. and Darren E.Sherkat (1993) "Conservarive Protestantism and Support for Corporal Punishment," American Sociological Review 58(1): 131-144.